Black steel pipe is steel that is not galvanized with a protective coat of zinc .Its dark color results from the iron oxide that covers it, and it is sometimes referred to as black iron piping.Black steel pipe may be seamless carbon steel pipe ,may be welded steel pipe without any treatment.
When steel pipe is forged, a black oxide scale forms on its surface to give it the finish which is seen on this type of pipe. Because steel is subject to rust and corrosion, the factory also coats it with protective oil. Those black steel are used for manufacturing pipe and tube, which will not rust for a long time and requires very little maintenance. It is sold in standard 21-foot lengths TBE.
In gas transport, black pipe is very durable, but it corrodes easily. It is used for low-pressure, low-heat water pipes that otherwise quickly corrode. Black steel pipe‘s strength makes it ideal for transporting water and gas in rural and urban areas and for conduits that protect electrical wiring and for delivering high pressure steam and air. The oil and petroleum industries use black steel pipe for moving large quantities of oil through remote areas. since black steel pipe requires very little maintenance. Other uses for black steel pipes include gas distribution inside and outside homes, water wells and sewage systems. Black steel pipes are never used for transporting potable water.
Post time: Nov-08-2022